Friday, April 16, 2010

In The Heart of Pennsylvania Dutch Country

It was a cold and rainy day in Lancaster the other week when I decided to go Volkswagen hunting. I had heard of and briefly seen a place that had some buses sitting by the side of the road. Wednesdays are my free day so I decided to brave the rain and head on over.

Right when I pulled up I saw this red vanagon sitting in this lot. Now a vanagon isn't exactly what I'm looking for, but it's still promising to at least see a van in these parts.

Once I looked around I found this blue vanagon as well. There were several Ghias sitting around the lot as well which was cool because you really don't see them to often. He also had some old Austin Mini's which I share my name with so they hold a soft spot in my heart.

Then I saw it.
It was sitting there half covered by a tarp. A Type 2 T1 with a beautiful paint job. She was missing all her windows and I highly doubt that there was an engine inside but it was still cool to see. Vanagons are cool and all but nothing captures your eye like one of these babies. Ideally I would eventually like to have one of these models one day. Unfortunately the guy who owns the place wasn't around. I asked the auto parts store that was next door when he would be in again. They said he's in and out and doesn't really have normal hours. So I guess I'll have to check back on a nicer day. I would at least like to find out where he gets his supply.

On a funnier note a Winnebago was sitting in the lot as well. It would kinda be funny to get one of these but I don't think I would ever do it. This guy sure does have an odd collection of vehicles.